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About MDS
General Information
Goals and Committees
Past Conferences
MDS 2020
MDS 2017
MDS 2014
Plenary Speakers
Section “Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics”
Section “Analysis”
Section “Geometry and Topology”
Section “Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics”
Section “Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics”
Section “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence”
Section “Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics”
Satellite events
Workshop “Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis”
Workshop “Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials”
Third Meeting of Young Bulgarian Mathematicians
Mini-symposium “Advances in Stochastics”
Mini-symposium “Analysis of Nonlinear Waves”
Mini-symposium “Data Analysis and Modelling in Contemporary Epidemiology”
Mini-symposium “Integrability and Mathematical Physics”
Mini-symposium “Topology and Applications”
Contact Us
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission
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Section / satellite event
Please, select relevant section/satelite event.
Section Mathematical Logic, Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics
Section Geometry and Topology
Section Analysis
Section Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
Section Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Section Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Section Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics
Workshop Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis
Workshop Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials
Third Meeting of Young Bulgarian Mathematicians
Mini-symposium Advances in Stochastics
Mini-symposium Analysis of Nonlinear Waves
Mini-symposium Data Analysis and Modelling in Contemporary Epidemiology
Mini-symposium Integrability and Mathematical Physics
Mini-symposium Topology and Applications
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