International Workshop
Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials
dedicated to the memory of Acad. Blagovest Sendov
July 10 – 14, 2023,
Sofia, Bulgaria
in the frame of the International Conference “Mathematics Days in Sofia”
he workshop Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials is devoted to the study of properties of polynomial functions such as their zeros and their growth, along with asymptotic properties of sequences of polynomials and their applications in many areas of mathematics, mathematical physics, and probability theory. The works presented honor the memory of Academician Blagovest Sendov who has made substantial contributions to the subject.
Organizing Committee
Monday, July 10
14:00-14:50 Hristo Sendov, Stronger Rolle’s Theorem for Complex Polynomials
Coffee break
15:30-16:20 Arno Kuijlaars, Matrix orthogonal polynomials and random tilings
16:30-17:20 Dmitrii Karp, Polynomials arising in hypergeometric research: motivation, properties and conjectures
18:30 Welcome reception (IMI)
Tuesday, July 11
14:00-14:50 Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein, On the flow of zeros of derivatives of polynomials
Coffee break
15:30-16:20 Vladimir Kostov, Beyond Descartes’ rule of signs
16:30-17:20 Nikos Stylianopoulos, Strong Comparison Law for Faber and Bergman
Wednesday, July 12
14:00-14:50 Franck Wielonsky, Optimal prediction measures and polynomials of extremal growth
Coffee break
15:30-16:20 Lyudmila Kryvonos, A constrained logarithmic energy problem on
the unit circle
16:30-17:30 Open Problems
Thursday, July 13
14:00-14:50 Boris Shapiro, Introducing isodynamic points for binary forms and their ratios
Coffee break
15:30-16:20 Edward Saff, Threshold condensation to singular support for a Riesz equilibrium problem
16:30-17:30 Open problems
20:00 Official dinner (Hyatt)
Friday, July 14
14:00-14:50 Ramon Orive, Electrostatic partners or… How can we find an electrostatic interpretation for the zeros of multiple orthogonal polynomials?
Coffee break
15:30-16:20 Open Problems
16:30-17:20 Open Problems
Venue and General Information:
Arrival day: 9th of July, Departure day: 15th of July.
The Event is Supported by: