Mathematics Days in Sofia
The conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Union of the Bulgarian Mathematicians and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University.
One of the main goals of the conference Mathematics Days in Sofia (MDS) is to bring together Bulgarian mathematicians and computer scientists working all over the world. In this way, the event will enrich the relations between the mathematicians working in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian mathematical diaspora.
The first edition of MDS was held in 2014 at the initiative of a number of prominent Bulgarian mathematicians working in Bulgaria and abroad and attended by more than 300 participants from all over the world. The second conference was organized in 2017 thus making MDS a traditional meeting of Bulgarian mathematicians working in Bulgaria and abroad with their colleagues from prestigious scientific centers all over the world.
The purpose of this event is to present the latest scientific achievements in the field of Mathematics and Informatics.
Important Dates
Registration Fees
Our Plenary Speakers
Venue and Transport
The host of meeting is the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Block 8, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Sofia.
The open ceremony and the plenary sessions will be held in Hyatt Regency Sofia Hotel, Vasil Levski Square, Sofia.
The workshop “Hausdorff Geometry of Polynomials” will be held in Grand Hotel Sofia, 1, Gurko Str., Sofia.
Public transport
There is a direct metro line from the Sofia Airport to Sofia University, a stop which is some 5 mins walking distance from Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Tram 20 makes a direct connection between Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (tram stop “JK Geo Milev”) and Hyatt Regency Sofia (tram stop “Teather Sofia”). The whole trip is about 40 minutes.
There is no need to buy tickets on public transport; a contactless credit/debit card tapped on the card devices which are located close to doors (after entering the vehicle) in buses and trams and at the entry barriers of the metro charges the ticket price. A single ticket currently costs 1.60 BGN (about 0.80 EUR) per trip. There is no need to tap a second time when disembarking.